Vietnamese and Korean characters are now supported in name, place, address and notes fields.
A sacrament summary page has been added. This page shows the sacrament name, date and place.
Parent names have been added to the Confirmation Sacraments page.
On the baptism or confirmation screen, when mother’s name is chosen from the dropdown list, the mother’s maiden name will populate from the mother’s member screen.
When entering father and mother on the baptism or confirmation page, the Head and Co-head of the household will appear first in the dropdown list.
Next of Kin has been added to the Funeral Sacraments page.
Occupation and Employer have been added to the member screen. These fields are free text fields and we still recommend using talents to keep track of common occupations.
Work email address has been added to the member screen.
The relation of Spouse was limited to the member type of Co-Head. Spouse is now also available for the member types of Adult and Other.
A new right has been added that allows users to edit contributions over a year old. This right is not automatically assigned to any role, so if needed make sure to add this new right to roles where it is needed.
Do not forget about the Camino Knowledge Base. The knowledge base contains articles that can help answer questions you may have about Camino