Let us be Glad and Rejoice

Rejoice! It is Monday in the octave of Easter.

The Gospel today begins with the Marys quickly leaving the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed. Then behold; they meet Jesus on their way and He greeted them. Wow. What a surprise! Imagine the excitement and joy that filled them at meeting the Master. I break out smiling picturing this scene in my mind while my heart fills with overwhelming love.

Each of the days during the octave continue the celebration of Easter. The following prayer written by St. Francis of Assisi helps me to keep the joy and wonder of the season alive in my heart. May the phrases resonate with yours as well.

Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty,

Who is and Who was and Who is to come.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

O Lord our God, You are worthy to receive

praise and glory and honor and blessing.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

The Lamb Who was slain is worthy to receive

power and divinity, and wisdom and strength,

and honor and glory and blessing.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Let us bless the Father and the Son with the Holy Spirit.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Bless the Lord all you works of the Lord:

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Sing praise to our God, all you His servants

and you who fear God, the small and the great.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Let the heavens and the earth praise Him Who is glorious.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Every creature that is in heaven and on earth and under the earth

and in the sea and those which are in it.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

All-powerful, most holy, most high, and supreme God:

all good, supreme good, totally good,

You Who are alone are good;

may we give You all praise, all glory, all thanks, all honor:

all blessing, and all good.

So be it!

So be it!


Contact the author

Beth Price is part of the customer care team at Diocesan. She brings a unique depth of experience to the group due to her time spent in education, parish ministries, sales and the service industry over the last 25 yrs. She is a practicing spiritual director as well as a Secular Franciscan (OFS). Beth is quick to offer a laugh, a prayer or smile to all she comes in contact with. Reach her here bprice@diocesan.com.

Feature Image Credit: Zac Durant, https://unsplash.com/photos/_6HzPU9Hyfg

The Joy of the Resurrection

“He saw and believed. For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.”

Happy Easter! What a joy it is to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord.  Although we can never fully comprehend what this means, as Christians, we know that through His pain and suffering even unto death, Jesus gave His life away to conquer death and unlock Heaven for each of us. I can still recall my four-year-old relating something she learned from her preschool teachers who are religious sisters.  Pointing to the crucifix at church, she said, “that is the key that opens the doors to Heaven.” May we come to accept Jesus into our lives and allow Him to unlock our hearts and free us from the bondage of this world.

Easter is a day of rejoicing; this is a day of hope. No matter what trials and tribulations you suffer, allow the joy of Easter to penetrate your heart. Please spend some time reflecting and pondering on what it means for us to experience freedom through Christ. He is our Redeemer, and Jesus desires a personal relationship with us.  Our Holy Days often become “Holidays” where we get lost in the party preparation, small details, and traditions that we can easily forget the real meaning. Easter celebration is an opportunity to reflect on the gift of new life offered to each of us through Jesus’ death on a cross. 

 As Peter ran to the tomb and discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead, we are invited to celebrate, participate and receive the joy of living in union with Christ on this beautiful day. 

Contact the author

Emily Jaminet is a Catholic author, speaker, radio personality, wife, and mother of seven children. She earned a bachelor’s degree in mental health and human services from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.  She is the co-founder of www.inspirethefaith.com and the Executive Director of The Sacred Heart Enthronement Network www.WelcomeHisHeart.com. She has co-authored several Catholic books and her next one, Secrets of the Sacred Heart: Claiming Jesus’ Twelve Promises in Your Life, comes out in Oct. 2020. Emily serves on the board of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference, contributes to Relevant Radio and Catholic Mom.com.

Feature Image Credit: Alessandro Vicentin, https://www.cathopic.com/photo/11594-sepulcro-vacio-se-quedo