How Do I Change Heading Sizes?

You can change heading sizes quickly and smoothly from your editor page. Headings are important for your website and make a big difference to readability and search engine optimization. They are easy to create and provide a visual hierarchy of the content on a web page to help readers. For example, on a children’s faith formation page, registration and contact are sections that would need their own section headings.

Here is how to change your heading sizes:

  1. Once logged in, click on Pages or Posts in the menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the page or post you desire to edit.
  3. With Gutenberg, you have two options to create a heading
    1. You can search for a Heading block and then type your text there.
    2. You can type the Title into a Paragraph block and convert it to a Heading by clicking the Paragraph icon ¶ (1) then clicking on Heading (2)
  4. Click on your desired heading (default is h2) by clicking on the H2 box and clicking on the new size.
    • Heading 1 is typically the size of your page title and should only be used once per page.
    • Headings 2 &3 are typically used for paragraph headings within your page or post, with Heading 2 used for the title of an important section and Heading 3 used as a subtitle.
  5. Click the blue Update or Publish button to save your changes.

NOTE: All websites have different heading settings that are dependent on their website’s colors and themes. Be sure to view the page/post you are editing to see how the headings display on your website. 

by Cody Armock